

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010


fiuh,, so tired after NNH last week
but still I can't relax yet
since a lot of events coming this week and next week also

hope I don't neglect my college task so I can get good score and make my parents proud

can anyone teach me how to organize a forum?
since now I join CIDU
Computer engineering Innovation and Development Unit
with this blog I hope a lot of you guys interested in joining CIDU forum at
sorry but CIDU membership only for computer engineering at BiNus
but you can join the forum for free to get the latest update about technology and other thing about computer engineering
(I also hope you guys would like to post a thread so the forum can get more interesting)

Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Nippon No Hibbi

since I am one of the member of Nippon Club organization of BiNus, this time I'm trying to publish our next event

Maret 2010 Nippon Club dari Binus University mengadakan acara Nippon no Hibi,
NNH akan diselenggarakan pada :

Tanggal : 9-13 Maret 2010
Tempat : Kampus Anggrek Binus University
Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 27, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat

Acaranya ada lomba pidato, lomba story telling, lomba mengarang, lomba manga, cosplay party, otaku competition, lomba makan takoyaki, dan banyak acara hiburan lainnya.

pengunjung tidak dikenakan biaya masuk dan workshop dalam acara ini gratis, kecuali workshop sushi + bento (paket)

buat yang minat untuk ikut lombanya di bawah ini ada ketentuan & cara daftar lomba2 nya :

Story telling
Tema : cerita rakyat jepang atau dongeng jepang
Biaya pendaftaran : Rp. 50.000,-
Ketentuan :
- Durasi 10 – 15 menit
- Tidak boleh menggunakan teks pada saat tampil
- Harus mempersiapkan 2 tema yang berbeda untuk babak penyisihan awal dan babak final
- Kedua naskah story telling diserahkan paling lambat 3 maret 2010.
- Lomba akan diadakan dalam 2 tahap;
• Tahap 1 : Babak penyisihan awal diselenggarakan pada Rabu, 10 Maret 2010
• Tahap 2 : Final, diselenggarakan pada Jumat, 12 Maret 2010
- Pendaftaran dilakukan lewat email dengan subject "Story Telling" ke email, dengan menyertakan biodata (nama lengkap, TTL, Alamat, Nomor telepon/handphone yang dapat dihubungi)

Tema : Budaya Jepang yang masuk ke Indonesia
Biaya Pendaftaran : Rp. 50.000,-
Ketentuan :
- Durasi 10 – 15 menit
- Mempersiapkan satu tema bebas yang berbeda untuk babak final
- Kedua naskah diserahkan paling lambat tanggal 3 maret 2010.
- Tidak diperbolehkan untuk melihat teks pada saat berpidato
- Lomba akan diadakan dalam 2 tahap;
• Tahap 1 : Babak penyisihan awal diselenggarakan pada Kamis, 11 Maret 2010
• Tahap 2 : Babak Final, diselenggarakan pada Jumat, 12 Maret 2010
- Pendaftaran dilakukan lewat email dengan subject "Pidato" ke email, dengan menyertakan biodata (nama lengkap, TTL, Alamat, Nomor telepon/handphone yang dapat dihubungi)

Karya Tulis
Tema : Bebas tapi berhubungan dengan Jepang
Biaya Pendaftaran : Rp. 50.000,-
Ketentuan :
- Harus benar-benar orisinil, belum pernah diikutsertakan dalam perlombaan lainnya, tidak menjiplak atau meniru karya yang sudah ada.
- Karya yang diserahkan sepenuhnya menjadi milik Nippon Club.
- Karya tulis harus ditulis dengan tangan (tidak diketik) dan tidak menggunakan romaji.
- Karya tulis harus menggunakan lembar peserta yang diberikan oleh panitia
- Lembar peserta akan diberikan oleh panitia kepada peserta melalui email dan peserta wajib mencetak lembar peseta dalam kertas berukuran A4.
- Panjang karangan minimal 2 halaman lembar peserta dan maksimal 4 halaman lembar peserta.
- Peserta wajib mengumpulkan terjemahan dari karya tulis, terjemahan wajib diketik dan dikumpulkan dalam bentuk hard copy.
Pengumpulan naskah dan terjemahan paling lambat tanggal 3 Maret 2010 .
- Pendaftaran dilakukan lewat email dengan subject "Karya Tulis" ke email, dengan menyertakan biodata (nama lengkap, TTL, Alamat, Nomor telepon/handphone yang dapat dihubungi)

Tema : Bebas
Biaya Pendaftaran : Rp.25.000,-
- Peserta yang turut serta wajib berada di tempat minimal 10 menit sebelum waktu berlangsungnya acara.
- Peserta wajib membuat (menggambar dan mewarnai) manga secara manual dan langsung di tempat yang disediakan.
- Manga yang wajib dibuat adalah character beserta background-nya dan manga tersebut harus di-outline dan full colour (termasuk background) pada kertas gambar sebesar A3.
- Manga boleh merupakan fan art (menggambarkan character milik seorang mangaka atau pembuat manga/komik Jepang dengan style sendiri) atau pun original character.
- Manga tidak boleh meniru atau pun menjiplak manga yang telah beredar di kalangan umum.
- Manga yang dibuat tidak boleh mengandung unsur pornografi (hentai & echi), yaoi/yuri dan tidak boleh mengandung unsur yang menjelek-jelekan SARA.
- Peserta wajib membawa alat gambar dan mewarnai sendiri, alat gambar dan alat warna dibebaskan sesuai keahlian masing-masing.
- Kertas gambar disediakan oleh panitia.
Bila ada panambahan alat gambar atau warna dari pihak penyelenggara acara, peralatan tersebut harus digunakan dalam proses pengerjaan.
- Pendaftaran dilakukan lewat email dengan subject "Manga" ke email, dengan menyertakan biodata (nama lengkap, TTL, Alamat, Nomor telepon/handphone yang dapat dihubungi)

Tema : Bebas
Biaya Pendaftaran : Rp.25.000,-
- Peserta wajib membuat sumi-e yang sejenis dengan contoh yang diperlihatkan, yaitu sumi-e yang terdiri kaligrafi jepang dan lukisan sederhana dan menggunakan satu warna tinta (tinta shodo/kaligrafi).
- Sumi-e dibuat pada kertas gambar ukuran A4.
- Sumi-e yang dibuat tidak boleh mengandung unsur pornografi dan tidak boleh mengandung unsur yang menjelek-jelekan SARA.
- Contoh Sumi-e terdapat dibalik surat undangan.
- Sumi-e wajib dikumpulkan beserta data diri & contact (no. HP/telp) paling lambat tanggal 27 Febuari 2010 ke Sekretariat Nippon Club, Jln. Anggrek Cakra no. 1B, Jakarta Barat.
- Sumi-e yang dikirimkan akan diseleksi dan hasil seleksi akan diberitahukan via telepon paling lambat pada tanggal 3 Maret 2010.
- Peserta yang lolos seleksi wajib mengikuti seleksi tahap berikutnya di Gedung Anggrek, Binus University, detail akan diberitahukan bagi peserta yang lulus seleksi tahap awal.
- Pendaftaran dilakukan lewat email dengan subject "Sumi-E" ke email, dengan menyertakan biodata (nama lengkap, TTL, Alamat, Nomor telepon/handphone yang dapat dihubungi)

1. Peserta bebas tidak dibatasi usianya
2. Perlombaan akan dibagi menjadi dua level, Kyu dan Dan.
a. Untuk masing-masing level, maksimum peserta sebanyak 20 orang.
b. Babak Penyisihan pertama : Tournament
c. Babak Penyisihan kedua : League
d. Babak Penyisihan ketiga : Tournament
e. Babak Final : 3 Ronde
3. Handicap digunakan pada pertandingan.
4. Peserta wajib menyertakan level pada saat pendaftaran.
5. Pertandingan akan diadakan pada tanggal 13 Maret 2010 Jam 09.00 – 17.00
6. Briefing peserta diadakan pada hari H.
7. Pendaftaran dilakukan lewat email dengan subject "Igo competiton" ke email, dengan menyertakan biodata (nama lengkap, TTL, Alamat, Nomor telepon/handphone yang dapat dihubungi)
8. Biaya per orang Rp 25.000,-

1. Terdiri dari 3 kategori (Anime/Manga/Game, Tokusatsu, Original)
2. Biaya pendaftaran perorangan sebesar Rp. 20.000,-/orang sedangkan biaya pendaftaran tim Rp. 50.000,-/tim, max 5 orang.
3. Pendaftaran dilakukan lewat email dengan subject "cosplay party" ke dengan menyertakan :
- Nama peserta (untuk peserta perorangan) atau nama tim dan anggota tim (bagi peserta tim)
- Kategori dan character yang akan diperankan
- Nomor HP atau telepon peserta. Untuk tim,sertakan nomor hp atau telepon CP-nya saja.
4. Pendaftaran dibuka dari tanggal 23 Februari - 12 Maret 2010.
5. Penggunaan simbol-simbol agama, suku, ras atau golongan tertentu dalam bentuk asesoris atau gambar diperbolehkan selama penggunaannya tidak menimbulkan perselisihan dengan atau melecehkan agama, suku, ras atau golongan yang bersangkutan.
6. Peserta yang telah mendaftar wajib mendaftar ulang pada hari H di lokasi acara mulai dari pukul 13.00
7. Nomor peserta akan diberikan saat daftar ulang pada tanggal 13 Maret 2010
8. Untuk mendapatkan nomor, peserta wajib membayar biaya pendaftaran terlebih dahulu
9. Peserta diperbolehkan mendaftar pada hari H sebelum pendaftaran ditutup (pendaftaran ditutup pukul 12.00) dan bila kapasitas peserta belum penuh)
10. Penilaian dilakukan secara penjurian
11. Tempat/Lokasi pendaftaran ulang akan diberitahukan oleh panitia pada hari pertunjukan.
12. Setiap peserta wajib memberikan CD backsound yang ingin diputarkan oleh panitia pada saat daftar ulang, jika tidak maka backsound yang diputar adalah backsound default dari panitia.

1. peserta bebas dan tidak dibatasi usianya
2. peserta perseorangan
3. Kompetisi akan diadakan dalam dua babak
4. Pendaftaran dilakukan lewat email dengan subject "Takoyaki Competiton" ke email, dengan menyertakan biodata (nama lengkap, TTL, Alamat, Nomor telepon/handphone yang dapat dihubungi)
5. Pendaftaran juga dapat dilakukan pada hari H dengan mendatangi meja pendaftaran di area acara
6. biaya pendaftaran Rp 20.000,-/orang

1. Peserta tergabung dalam 1 tim (3 orang) dan biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp. 35.000,-/tim
2. Sistem kompetisi live dan terbagi atas babak-babak
3. Penilaian dilakukan dengan sistem penjurian
4. Isi kuis berkaitan tentang anime, manga, dan live action.
5. Pendaftaran dilakukan lewat email dengan subject "otaku competiton" ke email, dengan menyertakan biodata anggota tim (nama lengkap, TTL, Alamat, Nomor telepon/handphone yang dapat dihubungi) dan foto tim.
6. Pendaftaran dibuka dari tanggal 23 Februari-12 Maret 2010.
7. Peserta wajib mendaftar ulang pada hari-H di lokasi acara paling lambat pukul 13.00

Cerdas Cermat
1. Peserta tergabung dalam 1 tim (3 orang) dan biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp. 15.000,-/tim
2. Sistem kompetisi live dan terbagi atas babak-babak
3. Penilaian dilakukan dengan sistem penjurian
4. Pertanyaan dalam kuis berkaitan tentang teknologi dan kebudayaan Jepang
5. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan lewat email dengan subject “cerdas cermat” ke email, dengan menyertakan biodata anggota tim (nama lengkap, TTL, Alamat, Nomor telepon/HP yang dapat dihubungi), pendaftaran juga bisa dilakukan pada stand pendaftaran
6. Pendaftaran dibuka dari tanggal 23 Februari – 9 Maret 2010

1. Peserta bebas tidak dibatasi usianya
2. Sistem pertandingan berupa kompetisi.
3. Penilaian dilakukan dengan sistem penjurian
4. Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan lewat email dengan subject “Karuta” ke email, dengan menyertakan biodata anggota tim (nama lengkap, TTL, Alamat, Nomor telepon/HP yang dapat dihubungi), pendaftaran juga bisa dilakukan pada stand pendaftaran
5. Pendaftaran dibuka dari tanggal 23 Februari – 9 Maret 2010
6. Biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp. 15.000,-/orang

untuk info lebih lanjut bisa hubungi Contact Person nya di :
Sofi - 0818 0805 5553
Steven - 0818 0610 7307
Shiro - 0898 8422 671

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

Start after a long time stop

well since nowadays so many people talk about global warming, this time I take this topic for my blog

Global warming is a serious condition that affects our planet. It is important to be aware of the human causes of global warming in order to prevent additional global warming from occurring. While humans contribute a lot to global warming there are also natural ways in which global warming occurs. For these types of situations there is little that can be done to stop the global warming which may occur.

Humans on the other hand have the opportunity to curb a number of the activities which can contribute to an increase in global warming. By simply limiting these activities, or reinventing how they are done, the planet can remain a healthier place for everyone to live.

Different Ways Humans Can Cause Global Warming

Think about all of the products in the world that are made out of nylon. The process to make nylon involves nitrous oxide which is extremely harmful to the environment. When this substance is released into the atmosphere the rays from the sun kick start a reaction. This reaction contributes to a problem called the green house effect which ultimately results in the global warming of the planet and is a great example of a human cause of global warming.

Humans cause

global warming to occur just by simply being alive. Every breath we exhale contains carbon dioxide. This gas is one of the most harmful to our atmosphere and as the amount of carbon dioxide collects our planet begins to warm. This is not something that happens overnight but slowly over a large amount of time. There is little we can do prevent this from occurring either.

Consider all of the different ways in which we use coal. We burn coal to power factories and to provide heat. It is generally a cheap alternative compared with other fossil fuels that are used in similar ways. The unfortunate downfall of using coal is that it releases a great deal of toxins into our environment. In fact it is a leading cause of global warming by CO2. Today many industries are trying to overcome this pollution issue by creating cleaner ways to burn the coal. Until the process is further refined, coal will continue to contribute to global warming.

As more and more people populate the earth each year the number of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane that is released into the environment grows. As this happens the process of global warming is amplified. Simply being aware of the numerous things that can cause global warming is a great way to help people modify behaviors which harm the atmosphere.

Jumat, 21 November 2008

Keep Your Music Ultra Portable With the Right Accessories

What's the Point of Having a Tiny iPod Shuffle Then Tying It Down With a Big Speaker Docking System?

Apple's iPod shuffle, the most miniature version of the popular iPod available, is one of the most popular products for the portable music enthusiast. The earbud headphones that come with the iPod shuffle are good enough to make your on the go experience enjoyable, but there are many other iPod shuffle accessories which can further enhance your music listening experience.

Headphones and Speakers

Headphones are without a doubt one of the most popular iPod shuffle accessories. While the earbud headphones that come with it are good enough for many users, others prefer different headphones, either because they find the earbuds uncomfortable or because they want headphones that deliver crisper audio. Any headphones that use a 3.5mm stereo minijack will work with the iPod shuffle, from traditional over-the-ear headphones to simply different earbuds. After all, sometimes headphones break and you need replacements; fortunately there's no lack of selection, and decent-quality headphones can easily be found for under $10 a pair.

Speakers are another popular iPod shuffle accessory. Speaker technology has gotten to the point where crisp, power speakers come in small enough sizes that you won't feel silly hooking them up to the miniscule iPod shuffle. It is very important to remember that the iPod shuffle only has the minijack as an interface; this means that accessories like docking station speakers won't work with the iPod shuffle, because it lacks the standard iPod docking port. Only a speaker dock specifically designed to pass power through the minijack, like the shuffle's own included dock, will work with it.

Other iPod Shuffle Accessories

Also popular is the car charger. This iPod shuffle accessory plugs into your car's power adapter or cigarette lighter to deliver power to your shuffle to keep it charged while on the go. You can also find cables, connectors, or even FM transmitters that let you listen to your iPod shuffle over your car's stereo system, letting you listen to your music while you drive without worrying about the dangers of having your headphones on in the car.

An interesting accessory for anybody who spends a lot of their time on the go is the USB Travel Dock from Marware. This simple accessory is nothing more than a dock for the iPod shuffle connected directly to a USB connector, without the wire between the two that the standard dock comes with. While it may not sound like much, this iPod shuffle accessory will be appreciated by anybody who normally plugs their dock into their laptop and wants to have fewer cables around to get tangled up.

In the end, the use and perceived value that you get from your iPod shuffle is up to you. While the shuffle by itself is a great value, you can get much more out of it if you're willing to spend a little more on some iPod shuffle accessories. The great thing is that because the iPod shuffle only plays music, you don't have to worry about accessories that play video or scratch-resistant coverings for the video screen. In the end, every available iPod shuffle accessory has only one purpose: to help you listen to your music the way you want to.

Mp3 Player Purchase Tips

The idea of a having a portable audio player dates back many years ago, when the option then was a fairly big cassette-tape-playing two-speaker audio system. Eventually these devices got smaller and back in the late seventies a hand size cassette-tape audio player was made available. Now as electronics evolved and with the mp3 audio format, one can satisfy his needs for a portable audio device thru the use of mp3 players.

Mp3 players became very popular and it is very common to see people using it while doing many activities such as jogging, commuting to work, traveling, buying groceries, computer related tasks and others.

For those who intend to purchase an mp3 player, one might consider the following tips:

1 - The internal memory size of an mp3 player will determine the amount of mp3 songs the device will be able to hold. Some models may even have an internal hard drive to store songs, however the size and price may go up a little bit and it is not recommend to be used by someone doing intensive physical activities. Also some models may the have the option of flash memory.

2 - The battery life is a very important feature, because it will determine how many hours the mp3 player will function properly. Make sure the mp3 player comes with an AC/DV adapter for quick battery charge.

3 - There a lots of sizes of mp3 players. Features such as a larger screen, video capability, hard drive and others, all add up to a bigger size. And price too!

4 - The way an mp3 player connects to a computer is a also very important feature. Latest model may support high speed USB 2.0 transfer. Some others may even have Firewire support.

5 - Some mp3 players even may accept other audio format besides mp3, such as WMA format. Check the player�s specification if this feature is going to be used.

6 - Also mp3 players may have other features besides of mp3 playing. Features such as FM tuner and audio recording capability, may be of some interest to some users.

7 - As for the price just make sure the mp3 player you are buying has just the features you are looking for. Why pay more for features you are not going to be using anyway? Mp3 players can be purchased for prices from fifty up to several hundred dollars. Brand name players will cost even more.

Portable mp3 players have become a must have product of desire among the younger population. After all almost everyone has one of them. So if you don� have one yet, it�s about time to keep yourself updated with modern time.

Theft Prevention Accessories for PDA

Protect Your Investment, Your Data, and Your Privacy With These Theft Prevention Accessories for PDAs

Losing a PDA through theft is one of the biggest challenges owners of personal data devices face. As the prices and capabilities of these units increases, so does the market for stolen PDAs, year after year. Of course, locking the unit up in a drawer and never taking it out is about the only certain way of making sure a PDA is never stolen, but that limits the usefulness. Attaching a heavy chain and a wheel hub may help, but it won't fit in your pocket. Instead of taking these sorts of extreme measures, consider one or more theft prevention accessories for PDAs.

Permanent Markings Scare Away Thieves

If you're a little handy and have a steady hand, you can try the tried-and-true method of etching. Grab your rotary tool and lightly carve an identifier into the back of the case, like a phone number or email address. Doing this will probably void your warranty. Don't try this unless you have a steady hand and neat handwriting.

A less extreme option is a security sticker. A sticker may not seem like much of a deterrent, but what if peeling off that sticker announced that the PDA is stolen? That's the idea behind security sticker theft prevention accessories for PDA units. The self-adhesive sticker is attached to the back of the unit, and gives an 800 number to call and report the PDA. The sticker also advises them that by reporting the unit, they can avoid prosecution.

However, if the sticker is peeled off, the phrase "STOLEN PROPERTY" and the 800 number are left behind in large, very obvious lettering of indelible ink. This type of theft prevention accessories for PDA units stops theft from those who want to snatch the item while you're not looking, and turn around and sell it on the street. Few people, regardless of how dishonest they are, will buy an item that announces it has been stolen.

Tracking the PDA With GPS

The GPS functionality built into many modern PDAs is usually used for convenience for the unit's owner, but with tracking security software, it can also be a way to find a stolen PDA. This form of theft prevention accessories for PDA units consists of software that is installed on the unit and a subscription service. The software installed will be linked to the unit's built-in password protection, and will automatically broadcast an emergency signal after an incorrect password has been entered. The subscription service will then pick up the signal and start tracking the PDA, informing the authorities where to find it.

Common Sense

Probably the best theft prevention accessories for PDA units, however, is our own common sense. Don't leave it lying unattended on a table, even for a moment. If you put it down and look away, someone else will probably pick it up. Don't leave it in plain sight inside a vehicle, even a locked vehicle. Make sure you use the built-in security functions of the unit itself. A password can, at the very least, protect the information on a unit from prying eyes if it is stolen. Think about that if you keep your kids' pictures and contact information for your kids' school on the unit.

Kamis, 20 November 2008

How to Shop for the Best GPS PDA Accesories

Features and Price Together Are the Best Determining Factors When Shopping for GPS PDA Accessories

There have been PDA accessories ever since the first PDA was built, but GPS PDA accessories are a relatively new class of product. They have become very popular in a short time, and because of this there is a wide variety available, which which can make it hard to decide just which GPS PDA accessory you want to buy.

Once you have decided to buy one, there are a few things you should keep in mind, and a few things you should look into before purchasing a GPS PDA accessory. After all, many of the GPS products on the market can be very pricey, and you don't want to rush out and buy one only to discover that it doesn't fit your needs, or that another product does the same thing cheaper.

What Features Do You Really Need?

To get the most value for your money when shopping for GPS PDA accessories, first make a list of the features you absolutely cannot live without. Once you have done this, make a second list of the features that you would like to have, but don't require. These can be things like a talking GPS, driving directions and map locations, and whether or not you want other things incorporated in the GPS PDA accessory such as a calendar or an MP3 player.

Most likely you will be able to find plenty of GPS PDA accessories which offer everything on your must-have list. This is where your other list comes in; use it to narrow down your options be eliminating the products that don't offer the extra features you are looking for. By doing this, you can determine which features are worth the extra price to you, which will allow you to come up with a short list of the products that are the best fit for your needs.

Once You Have Found the Perfect Product

The final consideration to make sure you get the best in GPS PDA accessories is, of course, the price. Just because you have managed to find a great GPS PDA accessory which not only has all the features you need, but many of the features you want, does not mean that you can get the best in the business just because you pay an arm and a leg for it.

You will of course want to check the pricing in your local stores on the GPS PDA accessories you want, but don't stop your search there. There are many fantastic deals on the internet, both on products you can find in the local brick and mortar stores, and on products that you may only be able to find online. One of the great things about shopping on websites like and eBay is that you can not only score good deals, but you can also usually find a much wider selection than is available in your local stores. The free shipping offered by many web store just makes online shopping even more worth it.